Hospital Building with Helicopter on Roof
Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS) is holding their monthly meeting  on Tuesday, May 5, at the Danbury Hospital Creasy Auditorium. I am privileged to be the speaker for the 23rd year. The event is open to the public.
The program this year will be a bit different. I will be presenting my new book, Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare. I will give a short presentation about the book, but the best part will be a very special panel including several notable panelists from the Western Connecticut Health Network (WCHN).

bullet Dawn Myles, APRN, Vice President , Quality and Patient Safety at Western Connecticut Health Network

bullet Aparna Oltikar, MD, Chairman of the Department of Medicine for Danbury and New Milford Hospitals

bullet Cary Passik, MD, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery at The Praxair Regional Heart and Vascular Center at Danbury Hospital

Tom Zarecki, Adjunct Professor, Communication & Media Arts Department, Western Connecticut State University will moderate the discussion. The audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. Admission is free and no reservation is required. This year we are making a special effort to invite physicians and other hospital personnel. Danbury Hospital is a very special place with a lot of health attitude. The DACS event will allow the members and the public to ask questions about healthcare in a unique setting.

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