AppleApple had another first rate set of product announcements yesterday. If you did not see the keynote, you can watch it here. The new iPhone and iPad Pro are designed to capture the market for upgrades. I suspect many owners of iPhone 5S and prior models will make the upgrade to get the improved camera and Apple Pay. Apple is betting that the tremendous power, functions, and new smart keyboard with the iPad Pro will tempt millions of Windows laptop users to make the switch. The new bands for the Apple Watch are quite slick. I can not resist getting a Royal Blue Woven Nylon band. The new bands will add millions to the projected 100+ million wearable devices from Apple and others  by the end of the year.

What I really liked about yesterday’s announcements was ResearchKit and CareKit. Apps created with ResearchKit are creating medical insights and discoveries not possible to gain with the old ways of performing research. CareKit will allow developers to create apps to let us manage our own health and well-being on a daily basis. Watch the 3-minute video here to see how these new Apple developments will enhance healthcare.

Read about how Apple devices are revolutionizing healthcare in Health Attitude.

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