Organ Donor

Currently, 120,000 Americans are waiting for an organ, eye, or tissue transplant. Every day, 22 people die waiting for an organ. Donate Life America says one organ, eye and tissue donor can save and heal more than 50 lives. The argument to be a donor is compelling, but only 52% have registered to become one.

Inspired, in part, by late company co-founder Steve Jobs, Apple has decided to do something to raise the number. Jobs revealed in September of 2009 he had received the liver of a mid-20s person who died in a car crash, and was registered as an organ donor. When iOS 10 for iPhone arrives this Fall, it will include a new addition to its Health app. Apple considers the Health app to be so important, it cannot be deleted. A simple registration form submitted from the iPhone app will be sent directly to the National Donate Life Registry. Users will have their decision to be a donor with them at all times.

Another nice health-related change coming in the Fall is a new feature in the Apple Watch called SOS. Simply holding the side button on the watch will call 911. Emergency services will receive a map showing the user’s current location.