
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 01/26/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. New book to consider My friend and former colleague at IBM John Wolpert’s Two But Rule is a very creative book. John provides innovative tools and ways of thinking which can turn negative thoughts into positive actions. He uses very […]

AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope

AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope Connor Landsgraf, CEO of San Francisco startup Eko Devices, believes it is time to upgrade the stethoscope, which he pointed out has not changed since the 1880s.  He claims many physicians do not get adequate training on how to interpret the sounds they hear with a classic stethoscope. He says […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 01/19/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Iowa caucuses I avoid discussing politics on johnpatrick.com. Voting is a different story. Edison Research estimated turnout at 115,000 on Monday night in Iowa, down from 186,657 in 2016. Those 72,000 voters were disenfranchised because of the weather. Their voice […]

The Three-way Switch

The Three-way Switch This week I am kicking it down a notch. My topic is not about global warming or our healthcare system or the upside and downside of AI. It is about the simple three-way switch of a table lamp. We have two beautiful, but old, table lamps on which neither has a properly […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 01/12/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. World Central Kitchen World Central Kitchen is an amazing organization and is worthy philanthropic support. WCK, along with its partner, Anera, has served over 15.8 million meals through hot meals and food kits in Gaza since the beginning of the […]