Current Events by John R. Patrick – 03/08/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Photos of the week    The famous restaurant in Flagler Beach. Great food and you sit on view of the beach, pier, and ocean. In the distance you can see the hotel under construction in Flagler Beach. It will be […]

What is Going on with Bitcoin?

What is Going on with Bitcoin? It is hard not to notice the dramatic rise in the price of Bitcoin. What is going on? It is a simple question with complex answers. In this blog post I will do my best to shed some light on the subject. I will start by sharing my history […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 03/01/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Photos of the week Great Motown entertainment at AdventHealth annual Moonlit Gala. It raised $122,000 for their new cancer center. My wife and I at the Moonlit Gala. Technology startup of the week I invested in Atom Limbs in early […]


Satellites I am often asked where I learn about new things and subjects to write about. My answer is to write a lot, you have to read a lot. One of my regular sources is CircleID, a leading platform for Internet developments with more than 5,200 professional participants worldwide. They have published a few of […]

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 02/23/2024

New sections may appear every week or just when I have something new to share. Photos of the week Finished. This turned out to be a very complicated Lego with the leaves, roots wrapped around the trunk, base of the tree, etc. 878 parts all came together. Kids and grandkids are starting to arrive for […]