Facial Recognition in China by John R. Patrick

Facial Recognition in China Written: April 2023 Fortune Magazine published an article about facial recognition in China. The title was “Every Step You Take, They’ll Be Watching You”. You might think with a population of 1.4 billion, it would be hard to conduct surveillance over such a large numbers of people. It actually is not […]
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/21/2023

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/21/2023 I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or […]
Is AI Facial Recognition Good or Bad? by John R. Patrick

Is AI Facial Recognition Good or Bad? by John R. Patrick Written: April 2023 Last week, I explained the basics of how facial recognition works. There are many pluses and minuses about use of the technology. I would now like to share a couple of examples of my personal encounters with facial recognition. One use case […]
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/14/2023

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/14/2023 I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or is about me.The […]
Faces by John R. Patrick

Faces by John R. Patrick Written: March 2023 Now that I have covered cats and dogs with machine learning, I will branch out to facial recognition of humans. Facial recognition is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video camera. Facial recognition has […]