A New Dawn for Type 1 Diabetes
A New Dawn for Type 1 Diabetes I am sure all of us have a family member or friend living with type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the body’s ability to produce insulin, a hormone necessary for regulating blood sugar levels. It is estimated approximately 1.6 million people in the […]
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 08/30/2024
In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Survey Thanks for the feedback. AI was the winner with 100% very or extremely (63%) interested. Photos were 88% somewhat or very interested. Startups were 88% very or extremely interested. Crypto was […]
AI in the Operating Room
AI in the Operating Room The first time surgeon Teodor Grantcharov sat down to watch a video of himself performing surgery, he wanted to throw the recording out the window. “My perception was that my performance was spectacular,” Grantcharov says, and then pauses—, “until the moment I saw the video.” Reflecting on this operation from […]
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 08/23/2024
In this section, I share what I am up to, pictures of the week, what is new in AI and crypto, and more. Survey I appreciate the good feedback via the survey. I will wait another week or so for more responses, and then I will share the results. What you submit is anonymous. The […]
Why Do We Need Trees?
Why Do We Need Trees? Every summer, I update my carbon footprint. In this blog post, I will explain more about this and provide options to address the issue. I hope you find it interesting and useful. Life on Earth depends on energy coming from the Sun. The greenhouse effect has protected life on Earth […]