BooksThere are millions of books for sale and thousands of new ones are published every week. The percentage of books that will reach the “Top 10” list rounds to zero. The marketing of books is more art than science — I got quite an education on this with my own book. If I were doing it over again, I would have written the same book but there is much more that I would have done from a marketing point of view. No complaints — Net Attitude continues to attract new readers and I always appreciate hearing from them.
Some people read at least one book every day. Maybe some day I will find time to do that. The purpose of this blog entry is to share what I have read in the past few months. Hopefully, someone will find one of them of interest.

The World Is Flat

Bullet Tom Friedman totally gets it and tells it very clearly. I did not agree with some of his political solutions but when it comes to technology and the impact of the Internet in particular he adds great perspective. I consider this a must read.

Ultra Prevention

Bullet This one is about your health and about doctors prescribing too many things for us when what we really need is a dietary change. A friend of mine went to a clinic run by the authors and was quite impressed.

We The Media

Bullet This is a really excellent book if you want to read more about blogging and how it is and will affect publishing.

Word Craft

Bullet Interesting, short read about how famous product names are derived. There is a lot more to it than you might think. This one won’t change your life or arm you with new tools but I found it worth reading.

The Complete Pyramids

Bullet This was in preparation for my trip to Cairo, Eygpt late last year. The construction of the pyramids is still a mystery. It is an amazing experience to see them.

On Intelligence

Bullet Jeff Hawkins invented the Palm Pilot. He has always been interested in how the human brain works and this book offers his perspective on it. I really liked this one.


Bullet Michael Crichton is an amazing guy. This novel is very creative and quite scary — a bit too believable. It is a thriller.

Digital People

Bullet If you are interested in robots you will love this one. Professor Perkowitz takes you way back in history, updates you on current happenings, and then offers a glimpse of the future.

I Am Charlotte Simmons

Bullet Tom Wolfe has an uncanny writing ability. This one is vulgar. It may be real but I would not recommend it.


Bullet A must read. Did you every say to yourself that you should have gone with your first instinct on something? Most of us have. Blink explains this in great detail and offers great insight to instant decision making.