Kill The Mac?
A story in today’s WSJ suggested that Apple should kill off the Mac. Desktops and laptops are not the future, the author said. He further suggested that Apple should put all of its focus on whatever is coming next. I was intrigued that someone could be so far off in the weeds in his understanding […]
Wrist Pay Is Booming
There were a few last minute items we needed, so I headed over to Trader Joe’s. The store was mobbed, but I got to the checkout counter with the shortest line and an efficient checkout person who rang up the items very quickly. To my delight, I noticed for the first time that Trader Joe’s […]
Apple Watch A Dud?
As usual, the Apple Keynote at its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) was done with great marketing aplomb. For two hours and 24 minutes, it was tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. They do it masterfully every time. Also as usual, some financial analysts and […]
Video: An Interview With Skip Prichard
Skip Prichard is an accomplished CEO, business leader, and keynote speaker. He is known for his track record of successfully repositioning companies and dramatically improving results while improving the corporate culture. In addition to running OCLC, a global nonprofit computer library service and research organization in Dublin, Ohio, he uses his personal website to share […]
Send Me Anything But Another Survey
If you are like me, you don’t like surveys. The concept is good. Companies and organizations of all kinds want to know how they’re doing so they can improve their operations and customer satisfaction. The problem is most surveys are too long and often only reflective of the surveyor’s needs, not the needs of the persons being surveyed. They typically ask […]