Siddhartha Mukherjee and Apple
This post reflects on two amazing sets of accomplishments. First is about a Medscape One-on-One, in which Eric J. Topol, MD, author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning author Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, PhD. Dr. Mukherjee is the author of The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography […]
Reflections on Bitcoin – 3
This week on CNBC, Warren Buffett said that Bitcoin is a joke. Once again, this reminds me of 1995 when many pundits said the World Wide Web was a joke. Needless to say, many of them had a stake in the status quo. I remain bullish about the future of Bitcoin as a transaction platform. […]
The telco operators charge up to $.25 for a text message. The cost to the operators is a few cents at most. That huge profit margin is going to decrease. WhatsApp handles 50 billions text messages every day, which is believed to be more than all the telcos in the world handle. The first year […]
Genesys XX
The 20th Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner — Genesys XX– Tuesday night at the Union League Club in New York included nearly 100 invited venture capitalists, investors, journalists, entrepreneurs, and industry executives. As always, Jim Kollegger — CEO of Genesys Partners and one of the pioneers of the information industry — was an elegant master […]
Protecting the Status Quo
CD and record companies did not like it when Napster et al started distributing MP3 digital music files because it threatened the status quo and the companies’ business model. Book publishers did not like it when Amazon started selling books for $9.99 because the new digital books threaten the status quo and the publisher’s business […]