In The Clouds — Part 4

I continue to be optimistic — as described in prior stories — about Cloud Computing. A week or so ago, however, a major network outage gave me a cause for pause in enthusiasm. My Internet service provider, Comcast, began having problems at 5 AM in the morning. More than twelve hours later there was still […]

In The Clouds (Part 3)

One might properly conclude from prior stories that I have become a real believer in Cloud Computing. From a personal perspective, the vision is simple. All of my documents, contacts, calendar entries, photos, music, patrickWeb content, and backup files safely and securely kept in various clouds. All contacts, calendar entries, and selected songs and pictures, […]

DEMOfall 2008 in San Diego

DEMO continues to be my favorite conference — the semi-annual event took place this past week in San Diego, California. It was an uneventful trip from Palo Alto, where I had visited Mediazone, and on to San Francisco for a flight with Southwest (possibly the best airline in operation in the states) to San Diego […]

Greenland – Part 2 (A unique place)

Thoughts about the conference to follow shortly, but since Greenland is such a unique place, it deserves some comments first. Greenland is actually part of the Kingdom of Denmark and is the world’s largest island — about 80% ice-capped. The history is a bit complicated but it is certain that the the culture started with […]

iPhone – Update No. 14 (Geocaching)

I was sitting on the Sportster in the middle of a parking lot about ten miles from the lake when a man approached me with a troubled look on his face. He was late for an appointment and wanted to know if I knew where the Northeast Eye Institute was. Unfortunately, I had never hear […]