Is AI Facial Recognition Good or Bad? by John R. Patrick

Is AI Facial Recognition Good or Bad? by John R. Patrick Written: April 2023 Last week, I explained the basics of how facial recognition works. There are many pluses and minuses about use of the technology. I would now like to share a couple of examples of my personal encounters with facial recognition. One use case […]

Faces by John R. Patrick

Faces by John R. Patrick Written: March 2023 Now that I have covered cats and dogs with machine learning, I will branch out to facial recognition of humans. Facial recognition is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video camera. Facial recognition has […]

Is Apple Having a Supply Chain Problem?

Is Apple Having a Supply Chain Problem? Written: September 2022 Big Brown pulled up in front of my home at 12:15 p.m. on Friday. Our happy UPS driver, Russ, brought the box to my front door. I had pre-signed the Apple/UPS form and taped it to the door to authorize leaving the package in case […]

Can Business Processes Be Automated?

Tesla is determined to automate the entire sales and delivery process for their cars. I got my first Tesla in 2015 and put it on a three-year lease, knowing more enhancements would be coming. In 2018, I got the second Tesla, again on a three-year lease for the same reason. The second three-year lease just […]

Apple’s Staggering Numbers

Apple’s earnings report this week included a lot of staggering numbers. As of noon Friday the company was valued by the market at 2.2 trillion dollars, the largest in the world. Skeptics have questioned whether the company can continue to grow rapidly, if at all. As written here many times, the skeptics have underestimated the […]