Climate Change: Is It Too Late to Save the Planet?
Leaders and thousands of interested parties from around the world crammed into a giant conference center in Glasgow, Scotland for the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Convention, COP26, the 26th such session. Many experts believe we are at a time of crisis. Talks and treaties have been going on for many […]
Will Leather Wallets Become a Thing of the Past?
The Apple Wallet app is built into the iPhone. You don’t have to use it, but you can’t get rid of it either. I suspect most of us will end up using it much more in the days ahead. I use the Wallet app mostly on my Apple Watch. Currently, my Wallet contains the following: […]
Can Business Processes Be Automated?
Tesla is determined to automate the entire sales and delivery process for their cars. I got my first Tesla in 2015 and put it on a three-year lease, knowing more enhancements would be coming. In 2018, I got the second Tesla, again on a three-year lease for the same reason. The second three-year lease just […]
Can AI In Healthcare Save Lives?
Some visionary pundits believe the sci-fi genre has correctly predicted artificial intelligence (AI) may revolt against the human race and destroy it. At least in the short to medium term, I believe AI may save lives. As I wrote in Robot Attitude: How Robots and Artificial Intelligence Will Make Our Lives Better, AI is having […]
An Inspring Video Conversation
Malala and Apple CEO Tim Cook Talk Life After Covid, Activism, and Learning To Code. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate (2014). She is 23 years old. On 9 October 2012, while on a bus to home in the Swat District of Pakistan, after taking a […]