Do What The Doctor Tells You
In the old days of medicine, a common mantra was “Do as the doctor told you”. In Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, I suggested patients should take more responsibility for their health and question their doctors and collaborate with them. I am quite fortunate to know a lot of doctors, some […]
News from
Press articles continue to beat up on Internet voting. They say the only way we can have accurate elections is with paper ballots. Paper elections are so accurate in Iowa they flip a coin to break ties. In Nevada they use cards. Meanwhile millions of people don’t vote because they can’t get to the polls. […]
News from
I added the following Disclosure to my post about the Iowa caucus, Internet voting, MIT researchers, and Voatz: Disclosure: I am not an investor in Voatz or any other Internet voting company. I do not receive any fees of any kind for what I say or write about Internet voting. As predicted, the press has […]
News from
A Meet the Author event was held on Friday at a monthly meeting of the Senior Provider Information Network. The meeting was at the beautiful Market Street Memory Care Residence in Palm Coast, Florida. Additional author events will be held in Florida during the 1st quarter of 2020 and then more back in Connecticut in the Spring. […]
News from
On Thursday afternoon I made a presentation to about 50 members at the Hammock Dunes Club, where I am a member. The topics I discussed included 5G, augmented reality (AR), Bitcoin, Blockchain, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing for cancer treatment, facial recognition, home automation, Internet voting, mHealth, robots, and AI. All of these have been and will […]