Monitoring For a Healthy Heart

A proverb originated in the 1860s in the country of Wales; “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” By the end of the 19th century, the phrase morphed into “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. There is actually some scientific backing to the proverb […]

Apple Ecosystem

The picture above was at Grand Central Station in 2011 when a throng of people (including me) were waiting to visit the new Apple Store. People love Apple products. It remains to be seen if people will love Apple services as much. I suspect they will, but it will take time. However, the products remain […]

Apple Services

As usual, the Apple Keynote to introduce the new Apple services lineup including TV, news and magazines, games, and a new kind of credit card was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple has it down pat. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works […]

The Internet in 1994 and Now

I had been following the Internet with great interest and enthusiasm beginning in 1992, and in 1994 became a co-founder of the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT. There were not many people familiar with the Internet or the fast-growing application called the Web, which many people at the time called the information superhighway. It […]

How mHealth, 3-D Printing & Robots Will Change The World For People With Special Needs

Exceptional Parent Magazine provides practical advice, emotional support, and up-to-date educational information for families of children and adults with disabilities and special healthcare needs. One of my readers follows EP and introduced me to Vanessa Ira, Managing Editor. Vanessa told me about EP’s Annual Resource Guide for their readers, and asked if I would write […]