Home Attitude Another Step Closer

Thought about how to make your home smarter? Home Attitude will help you answer the question, and very soon. On Wednesday, I received a proof of the interior edit prepared by the CreateSpace team. Interior editing is an art and a science. The art is selecting nice fonts and creating headers and footers, table of […]

Home Attitude Coming Soon

I finished editing Home Attitude: Everything You Need To Know To Make Your Home Smart today, and submitted the manuscript to CreateSpace, an Amazon owned company, for interior editing. They have a process to apply special fonts for chapter numbers, a big first letter of the first sentence in each chapter, renumber the table of contents, and embed […]

Apple Face Recognition

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced the new Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and the iPhone X was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told […]

Home Attitude On The Way

I finished writing Home Attitude: Everything You Need to Know To Make Your Home Smart, the fourth in a series of Attitude LLC books. Many steps are ahead including editing, getting reviewers to offer feedback, getting some blurbs for the back cover, engaging CreateSpace to perform interior editing of page layouts, finalizing the book cover, creating […]

Home Attitude On The Way

One of my summer projects is to finish writing Home Attitude: Everything You Need to Know To Make Your Home Smart, the fourth in a series of Attitude LLC books. The target publication date will be in the Fall. I had hoped to publish in August, but some major back surgery in July slowed me down. […]