iPhone 7 and Watch Series 2

I am very happy with the new Apple products. The Series 2 watch is much faster and the new software has a dock much like on a Mac. This makes it very easy to select an app you want to use. I especially like the built in GPS and the upgraded Workouts app. The iPhone […]

Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier, With Itself as Customer

The Apple Store in Palo Alto, California operates on 100% renewable energy. Apple takes an innovative approach to the environment, and they are creating new solar energy projects to reduce its carbon footprint. The numbers are impressive. Apple produces or procures clean, renewable energy to power 93 percent of its offices, retail stores, and data centers around the world. The result has […]

Apple – Underwhelming Products?

The WSJ reported today about Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 7. It said the product looked “practical, but not jaw-dropping. As usual the analysts don’t seem to fully appreciate the seamless integration Apple offers or the incredible new technology inside the iPhone. The new cameras and image processing capabilities truly are jaw dropping. There was a lot of criticism […]

Apple – A Disappointing Quarter?

The WSJ reported today, Apple “grappled with the first prolonged slump in iPhone sales since the product was introduced in 2007.” True enough, but I remain bullish about Apple. The company shipped 40.4 million iPhones in the quarter: 449 thousand every day, 19,000 every hour, 312 per minute, 5.2 per second. Nothing can go straight up to the moon–as […]

Apple to Promote National Organ Donor Registry

Currently, 120,000 Americans are waiting for an organ, eye, or tissue transplant. Every day, 22 people die waiting for an organ. Donate Life America says one organ, eye and tissue donor can save and heal more than 50 lives. The argument to be a donor is compelling, but only 52% have registered to become one. Inspired, in part, by late company […]