Where Were You When…?

November 1995 (edited September 11, 2003, November 23, 2011, and November 22, 2013) Most of us remember vividly where we were on September 11, 2001. In my case, I was in Danbury, Connecticut in the board room at Bristol Technology meeting with their CEO, Keith Blackwell. Remember where you were when you first heard that […]

The Internet of Things

Home automation is a broad term. I would define it simply as automating things in your home. The age-old and most trivial example is the “automated” coffee pot that is programmed to turn on at a certain time, and when you arrive in the kitchen the coffee is ready. At the other end might be […]

Apple Events

As usual, the Apple Keynote to introduce the new iPad Air, Mini, Mac Pro, and free software was done with great marketing aplomb. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works every time. Also as usual, the financial analysts are missing the point. […]

Technology Adoption

When I upgraded from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5, I sold the 4S on eBay and got a very good price for it.  When the rumors about another new iPhone began to firm up, gazelle.com sent emails urging customers to sign up to sell them their current iPhones. Gazelle  has a very nice model […]

Significant Changes

The 5S will be my eighth iPhone and I can’t wait. I got up at 2:55 AM last Friday to place my order online. When I got to the very last step, a message appeared saying “Your carrier has a policy that shipments of the iPhone can only be made to your billing address of […]