Productivity with AI
Productivity with AI In my talks and writing, I try to point out pluses and minuses of AI. There are plenty of each. In my book, Robot Attitude: How Robots and Artificial Intelligence Will Make Our Lives Better, I discussed many of the pluses in various industries, especially in healthcare. In this blog post, I […]
AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope
AI to Revolutionize the Stethoscope Connor Landsgraf, CEO of San Francisco startup Eko Devices, believes it is time to upgrade the stethoscope, which he pointed out has not changed since the 1880s. He claims many physicians do not get adequate training on how to interpret the sounds they hear with a classic stethoscope. He says […]
AI Marches On
AI Marches On The outlook for AI in 2024 looks very positive to me. There are areas of concern but overall, I believe there will be a lot of positive developments. Generative AI is already helping organizations differentiate themselves. Companies are working to achieve seamless integration into daily operations. An example I encountered this week […]
Happy Thanksgiving 2023
Printed on my Dremel 3D45 3-D printer, except for the small shiny one in the back row. Added coloring on the printed items by my wife. Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving. This is a time for expressing gratitude for the good things in life. It is a holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada on […]
Bart the Bartender
Bart the Bartender This has been an extremely busy week for me, and I considered skipping a post for this week. Then I decided to ask my AI assistant to write a post for me. I asked Bard AI to write a story about a robot pouring drinks at a Dutch bar. This is a […]