News from

Ukraine A posting on Telegram says almost every day, the Bureau of Investigation reveals new cases of the burning of Russian passports by citizens residing in Ukraine. Men and women, people of various professions and all ages are expressing their protest against the war. A 64-year-old Russian citizen who has lived in the Lviv region […]

News from

Ukraine The Russians have made some gains this week but at a heavy cost. The following graphic is updated daily on Telegram. Space NASA on Wednesday announced two private companies have been selected to build the next generation of spacesuits for astronauts working outside the International Space Station (ISS) and soon on the Lunar surface. […]

News from

Survey Thanks very much for your feedback. Surveymonkey only allows 40 responses unless you pay for a big subscription I would never use. We have exceeded the 40 responses and we have a statistically valid set of data. It was very positive. You can see the results at the following links: Overall analysis Comments about […]

News from

Survey Please take a minute to do the surveymonkey. You can find it here. Survey responses are still trickling in, so I will let the survey run for another week.  If you did not take the survey yet, it only takes a couple of minutes.  I will share the results later. Ukraine I am thankful for Telegram. […]

Will We Ever Get Rid of Passwords?

It seems every week I receive spam emails appearing to come from friends of mine. It is immediately clear they were hacked. How did they get hacked? By having a weak password like the example in the picture above. The top 25 passwords revealed through a study show similar examples like abcd1234, the person’s birthday, […]