Can Mobile Internet Voting Strengthen Our Democracy in These Troubling Times
Bob Reby, Certified Financial Planner, founded Reby Advisors in 1985. I have known Bob by reputation for many years, and more recently have gotten to know him personally. Bob is a very smart forward looking businessman. He recently forged an alliance with Singularity University in order to bring a visionary component to the Danbury, CT […]
News from
There was a lot of interest in my post about heart cell implants. Bill McGowan, founder and CEO of MCI was the oldest recipient of a heart transplant when he got his in the late 1980’s. The surgery was done in Pittsburgh at UPMC. Mr. McGowan and his wife donated $1 million the following year […]
First Human Gets Lab-grown Heart Cells
iPS-derived cardiomyocytes Fifty-three years ago, the first human heart transplant took place at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The daring surgery was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard. The world’s media covered the progress of the patient, Mr. Louis Washansky, on an hourly basis. Mr. Washansky lived with his new heart for 18 […]
McDistancing for Lunch
While driving back to CT from PA, it became time for lunch. What to do? McDonalds made it really easy. We pulled into one of four parking spaces designated for delivery. We placed a lunch order on the iPhone McDonalds app. My credit card is stored in the app so there was no need for […]
News from
There is an overwhelming amount of information out there about Covid-19, more than anyone can read. Bill Gates wrote in his Gates Notes a post he calls “The first modern pandemic“. If you found Bill’s comprehensive post interesting, you may want to listen to the podcast with him on the Ezra Klein show. You can […]