News from

The Covid-19 curves are bending at different rates depending on country, state, and county. You can follow the curves by country or state at Unfortunately, the deaths curves are continuing to rise. The healthdata site shows the projections. You can monitor the number of new cases by country or state at the Coronavirus Dashboard. […]

Video Chats and a Virtual Playhouse

Social distancing has pushed us apart. At the same time, it has pushed many of us online. Children are learning online. Old and young are streaming video entertainment. Millions are at their job virtually. They are communicating and collaborating with colleagues and customers. Doctors are seeing their patients via Telehealth portals.  When we get to […]

News from

The coronavirus numbers are growing as expected, and will be growing much more. There are many websites with coronavirus information. I am sharing below the sites I have found most useful to see how the data are trending. The newest site I have discovered was created by Avi Schiffmann, a high schooler in Washington State. He […]

Do It Yourself For Covid-19

On March 13, I posted a story about the silver lining in the coronavirus cloud (See re-post below). Despite the enormous pain and suffering millions of people will endure, I continue to believe there will be many good things, in addition to the things I mentioned in the earlier post, which will emerge on the […]

News from

The coronavirus numbers are growing as expected, and will be growing much more. There are many websites with coronavirus information. I am sharing below the sites I have found most useful to see how the data are trending. The newest site I have discovered was created by Avi Schiffmann, a high schooler in Washington State. He […]