Emerging Therapy for Hearing Loss
Two topics I have gotten a lot of feedback on in the medical field have been arthritis and hearing impairment. Hearing can be impaired for various reasons. In my case, I vividly recall using a backpack leaf blower in November 1995 at our summer home in Pennsylvania. Hearing protectors were not as common then as […]
What’s New?
Hobby Attitude is the one! The final tally came in with 63% of the votes for Hobby Attitude. I have started an outline for the book and will update you from time to time on my plans and progress. Thanks for your interest. One of Elon Musk’s companies, Tesla, is on a roll. There have […]
Blood Pressure on Your Watch
The Apple Watch was introduced in April 2015. Skeptics came out of the woodwork and said the product was going nowhere. Since then sales of the Watch have skyrocketed. Estimates vary, but the latest forecast I have seen estimates 2019 sales will be more than 30 million watches, certainly way more than the Federation of […]
What’s New?
The vote continues to favor Hobby Attitude at more than 60% with Algorithm Attitude at less than 40%. If you have not yet done so, please cast your one-click choice here. You will see a brief summary of what each book would be about. I will continue the survey until yearend. SpaceX continues to be […]
Smartphone Voting: Bring it On
Reginald Merilus is an Air Force veteran and a communication studies Major at The University of Tampa in Florida. He says, “Smartphone voting is coming, let’s embrace it”. I could not agree more. The key question is when? The current strategy of the Secretaries of State, who control how we vote, most politicians, and a cadre of […]