CRISPR Gene-Editing Trials Encouraging

About three years ago, I wrote about CRISPR technology, not exactly a household name. CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats. If you read the details about CRISPR, it might make your head hurt. It is really complex. CRISPR was discovered in 2007 when a yogurt company found a bacteria which could eliminate […]

What’s New?

Book #7: The response to the Survey Monkey so far is 4%. That is a very good response rate for surveys. Thank you for that. You are helping me select the next book in the “It’s All About Attitude” Series. So far, the vote favors Hobby Attitude at 57% with Algorithm Attitude at 43%. Thanks […]

Healthcare Haven

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett last January announced they were teaming up to tackle rising health-care costs. In the year the nonprofit company has been without a name, people have started calling it “ABC.” It’s now called Haven. Source: Amazon, JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway health-care […]

What’s New?

Book #7: The response to the next book in the “It’s All About Attitude” Series survey has been very good. So far, the vote favors Hobby Attitude, but not by much. Algorithm Attitude is very close. Thanks to all those who cast their vote. If you have not yet done so, please cast your one-click […]

A Robotic Eye

Research scientists at the University of California San Diego have created a robotic lens which can be controlled by small eye movements. For example, a double blink can cause the lens to zoom in. This amazing innovation was made possible by the discovery of a natural electrical charge in the eye called an “electro-oculographic signal”. The new lens is […]