What’s New?

I have been thinking for some time about the next book in the “It’s All About Attitude” Series. I have two ideas and would love to know your reaction, so I made a simple one-question SurveyMonkey. I would appreciate it if you take a minute and cast your one-click choice here. Meet the Author events […]

What’s New?

The cruise with Silversea was really great. We met a lot of very interesting people and learned a lot from them. I proposed an author chat to the cruise director. She promoted the idea, and nine authors attended the event in the ship’s observatory. Each author talked about what they have written and we exchanged […]

What’s New?

It was time for a break. The cruise with Silversea departed from New York City on Friday evening. The first stop was in Newport, Rhode Island. The next day we arrived in Boston and had lunch with our son and granddaughter who live there. The next day we arrived in Saint John, Canada and then […]

Meet a Creepy Dog Robot

Marc Raibert believes the impact of robots will be greater than the Internet. He is one of the few who has the credibility to make such a statement. In 1980, Marc founded the Carnegie Mellon University Leg Lab. He is a professor at CMU and MIT. In 1992, he founded Boston Dynamics, a world leader […]

What’s New?

I hope you enjoyed the Dog Robot and Tesla Software stories. You can always browse johnpatrick.com and see nearly 2,000 postings. You can also search or select by category or tag. If you are not receiving my weekly e-brief, just click here. Please click on the envelope below to share this with friends and family. […]