Robots, Startups, and Senators

August is supposed to be a slow month but it has turned out to be a busy one for me. The new book, published on August 1, has led to a lot of marketing activities. Following are a few things I would like to make you aware of: Terry Brock, an Orlando based professional speaker, […]

Meet the Author at The Boiler Room

It’s time for another book party! There will be a “Meet the Author” event on Thursday, August 29 at 5 PM in The Boiler Room at the Hawley Silk Mill. The theme will be the name of my book Series, “Its All About Attitude”. As you know from reading this blog, I believe many large […]

Robot Attitude Preface

The “It’s All About Attitude” Series just grew by one. I am working with Amazon to create a Series page with links to all the versions of all the books. Getting everything linked properly may take a week or so. In the meantime, I would like to share the Robot Attitude Preface with you. This […]

Robot Attitude is Live on Amazon

I am pleased to announce Robot Attitude: How Robots and Artificial Intelligence Will Make Our Lives Better was released on Amazon early Friday morning with an official publishing date of August 1. Kindle and print versions are available. Everyone on the alert list was notified as promised, and I would like to thank all those […]

AI for Insurance

AI becomes useful in an industry where there is a lot of data available. In the insurance industry, there are no factories, warehouses, or retail stores, but there is an abundance of data. Insurance companies thrive when they properly estimate the risks involved when insuring people or assets against losses. For example, car insurance premiums […]