Where Were You When

Where Were You When Most of us remember vividly where we were on September 11, 2001. In my case, I was in Danbury, Connecticut in the board room at Bristol Technology meeting with their CEO, Keith Blackwell. Remember where you were when you first heard that President Kennedy was assassinated? Or maybe when Jerry Garcia […]

Geocaching Update

The more planning you do before your geo-caching expedition, the better. I recommend doing it the night before so you are not rushed with last minute interruptions in the morning. If you want to read a good “how to” guide on geocaching, I recommend visiting HobbyHelp. Jenny, from HobbyHelp discovered some of my posts about […]


The weather has made it impossible to resist motorcycling the last few days. Yesterday’s ride started down route 507 to New Foundland, then up route 191 through Sterling and over Spring Hill Road to one of the many small airports that dot the countryside of Pennsylvania. It is always interesting to see what kind of […]

Burke Marks

There are currently 736,425 benchmarks in the database at geocaching.com. Overall, 82,517 benchmarks have been found and recorded in 114,528 logs. In the last 7 days, 1,007 benchmarks have been logged by 407 users. Four of them were found by me in Greentown, Pennsylvania near Exit 20 of Interstate 84. I had tried to find […]

Miami Marks

I had hoped to locate a Miami benchmark (AC4021) today but finally had to give up. The mark had been placed in 1971. The documented history shows it to be near a tennis court and basketball court, both of which have been gone for years. Like many of the nation’s benchmarks, it seems this one […]