My First Job: IBM 50 Years Ago

Hard for me to believe, but I finished engineering school and joined IBM 50 years ago today, June 1. I was very fortunate to have many jobs during 35 years there. Introducing the IBM ThinkPad in 1992 was special, but my job as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for IBM’s Internet activities was definitely the […]

50th Reunion at Lehigh University

Thanks to fellow Lehigh University alumus, Tom Healy, for telling me about a It is hard for me to believe, but, this weekend was my 50th reunion after graduating from the College of Engineering at Lehigh University in 1967. I was really proud of the Class. We had 100 attendees, including four from Kappa Sigma, […]


The 3D printing story about printing a pelvis contained an error. It should have said “Pelvis: A rare bone cancer caused a patient to lose half of his pelvis.”However, there had been a similar situation in the U.K. where a man had lost half of his face due to cancer and it was replaced by […]

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything

I have been writing about technology for more than 20 years. I never considered myself a futurist, but I have generally been accurate in predicting what is just over the hill, around the curve. Usually, my predictions have been about technology already available, but perhaps obscured or downplayed by many. I have often said in […]

Update from Attitude LLC

I usually write three short stories for the Attitude LLC blog each week. Most of the posts to date have been about healthcare or technology. Occasionally, I write something about music or travel. Since Election Attitude was published in August, I have included some stories related to elections and voting. Between now and election day, there may […]