Blogs and Advertising

The FTC has been studying the relationship between blogging and advertising for some time and just a couple of weeks ago published their “Final Guides Governing Endorsements, Testimonials“. The FTC really has their hands full trying to deal with the scammers and spammers out there — unfortunately, there are a large number of people out […]


I began to write “reflections” in 1997. Some were about visits to an IBM customer, a university campus, or just to reflect on some issue of the day that struck me at the time. The Reflections were not an attempt to be profound…. just to share.Needless to say, this was a precursor to blogging. Some […]

The Peak of Blogging?

The market research firm, Gartner, has reported that less than 2% of all Internet users are frequent contributors to content on the web. The Gartner researchers also said that 200 million people already have given up blogging and that the total number of bloggers will peak during the first half of this year at around […]

Behind The Scenes In The Blogosphere

Last month I got an email from Nora Barnes who is a professor of marketing at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She said she was conducting the first academic study about blogging and wanted my input, which would be combined with that of dozens of others. Her goal was to report on what motivates bloggers, […]