Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing      AI is still at the top of my list of technologies which will change the world, and it is already beginning to happen. Another transformative technology further out but which is beginning to get press coverage is quantum computing. Quantum computers promise to revolutionize industries ranging from artificial intelligence to drug […]

Massive Computing and Data

Massive Computing and Data      We are moving at a breakneck pace into an era defined by unprecedented amounts of computing power and an explosion of data. I believe this trend will reshape all aspects of both our personal and professional lives. Another explosion is happening with the Internet of Things (IoT). Devices range […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2024

Printed on my Dremel 3D45 3-D printer, except for the small shiny one in the back row. Added coloring on the printed items by my wife. Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Happy Thanksgiving. This is a time for expressing gratitude for the good things in life. It is a holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada […]

Why Do We Need Trees?

Why Do We Need Trees? Every summer, I update my carbon footprint. In this blog post, I will explain more about this and provide options to address the issue. I hope you find it interesting and useful. Life on Earth depends on energy coming from the Sun. The greenhouse effect has protected life on Earth […]

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: How is it doing?

The Electric Vehicle Revolution: How is it doing? Some say an electric vehicle revolution is underway. Others say it is headed south to the dumpster. Unfortunately, like just about every issue these days, the subject has become politicized. I will declare up front I am a registered independent and have been driving Teslas since 2015. […]