The Case for Nukes

The Case for Nukes There have been many stories and books about climate change. I decided it was time to update my view on the subject. In the nineties and early 2000s, I was not so sure about climate change or where I stood. In 2008, I read Tom Friedman’s Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why […]
Is Range Anxiety for Real? by John R. Patrick
Is Range Anxiety for Real? by John R. Patrick Some people forgo the temptation to buy an electric vehicle (EV) because of range anxiety, the fear his or her EV will not have enough battery charge to reach their intended destination, leaving its occupants stranded. The anxiety is particularly prominent when considering long-distance travel, along […]
Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick Can Carbon Neutral and Electricity Be Compatible? by John R. Patrick On this past Sunday, I listened to Fareed Zakaria interview Ajay Banga, the new President of the World Bank and formerly head of Mastercard. Being asked about world hunger, poverty, disease, and debt problems around the world, Mr. Banga said the most important […]
What are NCAS and CCS?

What are NCAS and CCS? Words: 550 Reading time: 2 minutes Tesla has been pioneering the electric vehicle market, and with it came their proprietary charging cable standard called NCAS (North American Charging Standard). Tesla’s Supercharger network became the gold standard for EV charging, offering fast and the most reliable charging options across the globe. The Tesla […]
Can Fusion Solve the Climate Change Problem?
Photo courtesy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Can Fusion Solve the Climate Change Problem? Written: July 2002 The frequency, duration, and strength of storms, flooding, and forest fires are increasing, as we see every day in the news. Experts are predicting things will get worse, a lot worse, unless the countries of the world take aggressive […]