Climate Change: Is It Too Late to Save the Planet?

Leaders and thousands of interested parties from around the world crammed into a giant conference center in Glasgow, Scotland for the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Convention, COP26, the 26th such session. Many experts believe we are at a time of crisis. Talks and treaties have been going on for many […]

Will We Ever Stop Zooming?

Written: February 12, 1997 Edited: October 7, 2021 During the period of 1995-2001, it was my honor to give more than 50 keynote speeches about “The Future of the Internet” at conferences in countries around the world.  The communications people at IBM gave me a plaque with a big brass key on it. The beautiful […]

Getting Physical

I published this Reflection on December 10, 1997. Given what all of us have been through during the last 18 months, I thought it may be of interest. The article was edited on July 9, 2021. I often get asked whether the Internet as a new medium will reduce people’s desire to get together in […]

The Limits to Growth

If you are a pessimist and revel in the gloom and doom the future may hold, robots and artificial intelligence (AI) can add a lot of fodder. Robots are mostly in manufacturing plants today, but their presence is growing in many other places, including hospitals, restaurants, retail stores, and homes. Millions of jobs will be […]

Video Chats and a Virtual Playhouse

Social distancing has pushed us apart. At the same time, it has pushed many of us online. Children are learning online. Old and young are streaming video entertainment. Millions are at their job virtually. They are communicating and collaborating with colleagues and customers. Doctors are seeing their patients via Telehealth portals.  When we get to […]