Home Attitude (Clip 7) – Other Books by John R. Patrick

The YouTube video today is #7 of a seven-part series. The 90 second clip summarizes what each of my books is about. I believe most of the major problems in the world have attitude problems at their core, and most of the solutions for moving forward are likewise based on attitude. My company, Attitude LLC, […]

My First Job: IBM 50 Years Ago

Hard for me to believe, but I finished engineering school and joined IBM 50 years ago today, June 1. I was very fortunate to have many jobs during 35 years there. Introducing the IBM ThinkPad in 1992 was special, but my job as Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for IBM’s Internet activities was definitely the […]

IBM And Maersk Apply Blockchain To Container Shipping

The 35 year old twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, have developed a $100m.bitcoin exchange traded fund (ETF) for bitcoin. If the pending decision from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides approval, the result will be a new means for investors to gain exposure to bitcoin without actually buying the digital currency. The pending decision plus numerous […]

It’s Still Early for Bitcoin

I first wrote about Bitcoin on January 8, 2014. (See all 33 stories). I continue to believe we are at the very early stage of development for the digital currency. Jacob Donnelly wrote an excellent article in his Cryppto Brief blog describing the past, present, and future of Bitcoin. See Here’s what the future of bitcoin […]

Wrist Pay Is Booming

There were a few last minute items we needed, so I headed over to Trader Joe’s. The store was mobbed, but I got to the checkout counter with the shortest line and an efficient checkout person who rang up the items very quickly. To my delight, I noticed for the first time that Trader Joe’s […]