Resy on Bitcoin

I don’t know what the ultimate number of mobile apps may be, but there is no end in sight to the stream of innovation. I’ll have much more to say about mHealth apps (a key topic in my new book) soon, but the app I want to comment on today is Resy. The problem Resy […]


All the retailers are trying to become e-tailers so that Amazon doesn’t take all their business from them. They have a very long way to go to get with the program. Amazon has been honing their web presence for 16 years and they have it down to a science — and to putting the customer […]

Paper Thin

Three of America’s great business magazines have been around for a long time — Forbes since 1917, BusinessWeek since 1929, and Fortune since 1930. I started reading them in 1967 when I completed engineering school and joined IBM. I stopped reading Forbes and Fortune regularly some years ago but have remained faithful to BusinessWeek for […]

Open, Please!

As more and more things move to email and the web, financial services companies are showing signs of advertising frustration. Since their email gets blocked by our spam filters or we just hit the delete key, they continue to rely on paper mailings. Solicitations to take out a loan, get an investment advisor, set up […]