Happy Holidays

I hope everyone had happy and healthy holidays with friends and family. I look forward to sharing stories in the weekly e-brief beginning next week. One of my goals this year is to expand readership of the e-brief. Feedback is very positive and I hope you agree it would be nice to share it with […]

The Library 100

One of my affiliations is as a board member at OCLC Inc. in Dublin, OH. I am very proud of the work OCLC does as a global library cooperative. The organization supports thousands of libraries in making information more accessible and more useful to people around the world. OCLC provides shared technology services, original research, […]

The Worst Passwords of 2015

SplashData has announced the 2015 edition of its annual “Worst Passwords List”.  As in the past, 123456 and password are the most popular. This is not good. The list confirms how people’s choices for passwords remain consistently risky. Longer passwords are beginning to appear but length is not enough. A good password has to be unrememberable. […]

Peggybank at patrickWeb

Click image to enlarge The origin of the word Peggybank is peg as in mpeg or jpeg, the format for compressed movies and pictures. Most of us that have been around for more than a few decades have 8mm films, VHS video tapes, 35mm slides, boxes of photographs, baseball cards, ham radio QSL cards, etc. in our […]

Book Update: 2Q2008

So many great books, so little time! I used to say there is no substitute yet for enjoying a hard-cover book. I take it back. Reading on the Kindle is the best. Now that there are just shy of 50,000 books on Kindle I make it the exclusive source. Every once in a while I […]