Favorites Update: November 4, 2007

We all have our favorites. Me too. Books, web sites, restaurants, plays, movies, orchestras, composers, concerts, hiking and biking trails, places to run, etc. Occasionally I will provide an update from the favorites database or refer you to the appropriate page to read the update. This will probably happen once a month or so. Latest […]

Book Update: 3Q2007

So many great books, so little time! I read a number of blogs to gain information like most of us, but there is no substitute yet for enjoying a hard-cover book. Every once in a while I post a list of books I have been reading. They all have reviews at Amazon that are much […]

Book Update: 2Q2007

So many great books, so little time! I read a number of blogs to gain information like most of us, but there is no substitute yet for enjoying a hard-cover book. Every once in a while I post a list of books I have been reading. They all have reviews at Amazon that are much […]

Book Update: 3Q2006

So many great books, so little time! I read a number of blogs like most of us, but it is still fun to sit back and read a hard-cover book. Every once in a while I post a list of books I have been reading. They all have reviews at Amazon that are much better […]

Book Update: 2Q2006

So many great books, so little time! This posting is to recommend two books that were extremely interesting and enjoyable. First is Genome by Matt Ridley. After the Computational Biology panel at Demo in February, I asked the panelists what book I could read to learn more about the mapping of the twenty-three pairs of […]