Auberge Maxime

Occasionally I share information about a book, play, concert, or restaurant that I experienced. These "favorites" are not really recommendations but rather a way of sharing information. One night recently I met a person at a business meeting and he told me that he had been in Alexandria, Virginia and had dinner at a Nuevo […]

The Face

Dean Koontz has written more than forty novels and many have been #1 bestsellers. In addition to being prolific, he is incredibly creative and imaginative. HIs most recent novel, The Face, is incredibly imaginative, exciting, and at times gripping. It is about a deranged professor who is seeking anarchy. Part of his plan is to […]

Favorite Places

In 1995, when I first launched patrickWeb (then it was, one of my goals was to share links to web sites I had found interesting. There was no Google back then and most people did not know about Yahoo!. Whenever I ran into an a site I thought would be of interest to my […]

Recent Books

This summer has been a busy one with many projects and activities so the book list didn’t get much longer. Here are two recent reads. Path Of The Assassin by Brad Thor Rating: 3. Thrilling at times but not quite the depth of Tom Clancy or Dean Koontz. The interesting part was that much of […]


On Saturday I will be heading to Singapore to participate in the IBM Forum 2003. IBM has invited strategic business decision makers and operational decision makers such as the CIO and IT managers. Being on-line is critical but being in-person at conferences is important too. In 1992 I went to the Agenda conference for the […]