Robot for Your Teeth

Reflecting on the future of healthcare during my two weeks out of the country, I conclude two things. Electronic health records, the ability to get speedy access to your health information, the ancient processes for getting medications, the frustrations of getting and paying for medications, and the backward methods of communications are all a train wreck. […]

Apple iPhones and Watch Look Great

As usual, the Apple Keynote to introduce the new Apple Watch and three new iPhones, was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple has it down pat. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works every time. The new Watch will enable millions of people to […]

Pokémon GO Update

I have never been a gamer because video games make me dizzy. However, I have gotten hooked playing Pokémon GO on the iPhone. I like several things about the game. The technology is impressive. Thinking about millions of people playing the game at the same time with all the results and triggers happening in the cloud is […]

Home Attitude for Water Leak Detection

One of the practical topics I wrote about in Home Attitude was water leak detection. For a small investment, a home owner with a healthy home attitude can prevent expensive losses due to water damage. In the book, I described $25,000 in damage caused by an ice maker line breaking free from the back of […]

iPad Magic

I rarely share comedy or magic here in my blog, but I came across a video I feel compelled to share. Thanks to my friend Eric for sending me this. It is a must watch, and I know you will enjoy it.