Sun Turtle
A friend of mine in Norway told me about a company is working with called Bright Products. The Norwegian company is on a mission to light up the world through “smart, simple, and sustainable power solutions”. Their vision is “A world where people see new possibilities”, literally. More than a billion people in Africa, Asia, and South America live […]
The Emergence of Solar Trees
This is an elegant solution to a very real problem, the large amount of space required for solar panels. Daljit Singh Bedi, chief scientist at the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in New Delhi said that the solar tree utilizes about 43 square feet of space to produce energy which would require 100 times that space. The […]
I saw some beautiful evergreens on a walk, and also noticed the unsightly electrical cabling in front of them. The site made me think of under grounding. Placing the cables underground would be much more aesthetic. There are other advantages including being less subject to damage from lightning, wind, or freezing rain. The primary disadvantage of undergrounding […]
Wired Disruptions – 2011
The train ride early Tuesday morning from Connecticut to Grand Central was followed by a subway ride to Bowling Green with a stop at Wall Street. It was then a short walk along Battery Park to The Museum of Jewish Heritage to attend the WIRED Business Conference: Disruptive By Design. Attending technology conferences is a […]
Batteries that Breath and Holographic Phone Calls
For many years IBM developed a ten year outlook every year and proudly presented it to executives inside and outside of the company. The TYO was a high-level glimpse into the future of technology. About ten years ago the TYO was stopped because the pace of technology evolution had reached the stage where the future […]