I saw some beautiful evergreens on a walk, and also noticed the unsightly electrical cabling in front of them. The site made me think of under grounding. Placing the cables underground would be much more aesthetic. There are other advantages including being less subject to damage from lightning, wind, or freezing rain. The primary disadvantage of undergrounding […]
Wired Disruptions – 2011
The train ride early Tuesday morning from Connecticut to Grand Central was followed by a subway ride to Bowling Green with a stop at Wall Street. It was then a short walk along Battery Park to The Museum of Jewish Heritage to attend the WIRED Business Conference: Disruptive By Design. Attending technology conferences is a […]
Batteries that Breath and Holographic Phone Calls
For many years IBM developed a ten year outlook every year and proudly presented it to executives inside and outside of the company. The TYO was a high-level glimpse into the future of technology. About ten years ago the TYO was stopped because the pace of technology evolution had reached the stage where the future […]
Electrical Energy
The Lehigh Unniversity Engineering Advisory Board meets a few times per year and at least one of the meetings focuses on a strategic issue opportunity. The meeting held earlier this month was held in Washington, D.C. and focused on U.S. electrical energy generation, transmission, distribution, storage, and consumption. One of the EAB members is Judy […]
IBM Happenings: January – February 2010
After thirty-eight years at IBM, it was hard to cut the cord. One of my self-appointed duties as an e-tiree has been to post news clips of things going on at the company. Fortunately, there is a lot going on there! I post what I call “IBM Happenings” more or less once a month. Not […]