False Research Studies

We were with some friends the other night, and one of the topics of discussion was about food. My friend said a particular food was good for you, but everyone did not agree. Then he said, “a study showed” his claim to be true. We all read about studies. They are in the news every […]

Medical Breakthroughs

The medical breakthroughs continue to amaze me and reinforce my view the next ten years’ progress will surpass the last 100 years. The single thing that makes me so optimistic is the incredible individuals who are so dedicated and so smart. Today, I read about Michael J. Yaszemski, an alumni of Lehigh University, where I […]

Scientists Create Human Stomach Tissue

Scientific breakthroughs are occurring at a steady clip. Many of the breakthroughs are aimed at medicine. As artificial intelligence (AI) comes on the scene, we will be increasingly amazed at what is happening. The good news is the breakthroughs will result in improved outcomes. We will see cures for things previously without cures. Hopefully, many of […]


Happy New Year to all. I believe 2017 will be a year full of great progress on many fronts. Here are some of the things I predict will happen: Artificial intelligence will become omnipresent, somewhat like java did 20 years ago. It will be part of all cloud services and devices. Virtual and augmented reality […]

MRI Scans Can Now Do MRN

Most of us have no doubt had an MRI at some point. The imaging technology can be invaluable for surgeons to get a highly accurate picture of the status of a back, neck, knee, or shoulder prior to surgery. Researchers are discovering new capabilities possible with MRI technology. In a major scientific article published by […]