Clinical Trials for Stem Cell-based Cartilage Underway
One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is related to knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections […]
Test Your Blood At Home
Patients who are at high risk or require frequent blood testing probably find going to the lab or doctor office an inconvenience. Athelas, a Mountain View, California based company has announced a new technology which may be a real game changer. Their new product has been clinically validated for use in the patient’s home. The Athelas […]
Nanomachines May Deliver Drugs and Destroy Diseased Cells
Nanotechnology is advancing across many aspects of science, engineering, and medicine. I am particularly impressed with what researchers at Rice University are doing. They have developed nanomotors which are incredibly small. The motors can spin at 2-3 million rotations per second. The size of the motors is mind-boggling, 50,000 of them side by side fill […]
Cochlear Implants and iPhone
Apple has many ambitions for healthcare, as I wrote in Health Attitude. A particular focus is accessibility. Apple wants the hundreds of millions of people who have hearing loss or other disabilities to be able to use iPhones and iPads productively. If you click Settings, General, Accessibility, you will see the many and growing list of […]
3D-Printable Knees
One subject among my weekly e-briefs which consistently generates a lot of feedback is knees. One thing baby boomers have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements in the U.S. is roughly one million per year, 2/3 of which are knees. Over the years ahead, projections indicate there […]