Robots with Human Skin

I have been following the development of robots for a number of years. The subject will fit nicely in the Attitude book series I have been writing. One aspect I find quite interesting is how much robots are becoming more like humans. Not the robots which build Tesla cars or load boxes in Amazon warehouses, […]

Signs of Intelligent Life in the Senate

Medicare has reimbursed for telehealth for some years, but only for remote areas of the country. The theory was telehealth was only good for people who are many miles from the nearest healthcare provider. As I discussed in Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, telehealth is a good tool for anyone who […]

New Technologies for Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a life-long disease affecting how your body handles glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood. Type 1 diabetes is genetic and the exact cause is not well understood. Most diabetes is type 2, and 27 million people in the U.S. are living with it. Nearly 90 million have prediabetes. This means their blood glucose is not normal, […]

Convenience Is Driving Telehealth

American Well is a private company based in Boston, MA. It has a mission to improve access to quality healthcare while making it more affordable for consumers. The company does this by using mobile and web telehealth to remove barriers such as distance, mobility, and time and making healthcare more convenient. In today’s busy lives, convenience is becoming more important. […]

E-stethoscope for Telehealth

Telehealth is really catching on. Some consumers are changing their family physician to one who offers telehealth. The driver is the big C, convenience. Driving to sit in a waiting room (usually with no WiFi) is such a waste of time for many. Grandparents who chat with distant grandchildren with Skype or FaceTime now realize they could see […]