MRI Scans Can Now Do MRN

Most of us have no doubt had an MRI at some point. The imaging technology can be invaluable for surgeons to get a highly accurate picture of the status of a back, neck, knee, or shoulder prior to surgery. Researchers are discovering new capabilities possible with MRI technology. In a major scientific article published by […]

What the Next President Should Do: Healthcare Common Sense

The 2016 election is over, and a top priority for the new administration and Congress is healthcare. The candidates discussed little substance about healthcare during the campaigns, despite the fact it is approaching 20% of our economy and touches every American. You could say the problems in healthcare have been caused by action by one […]

Robot Used to Perform Surgery Inside an Eye

Healthcare innovation is happening all over the world. A Dutch company has developed a surgical robot for performing complex and intricate surgery inside the human eye. A man in Oxford, United Kingdom was the beneficiary of the first ever robot surgery using the new system. The new Precedes Surgical Robot is able to handle very delicate procedures which require great […]

Baby Boomers and Exercise

A recent survey of 1,443 consumers by CareCloud Corp., a developer of cloud-based healthcare technology for doctors, found 62% of Baby Boomers use the web to access and update their electronic health records. The percentage was significantly higher than older users and younger users. An article on said, “Boomers are the group most likely to take advantage of digital […]

World’s Smallest Pacemaker

Medical technology marches on, it seems faster than ever. The Medtronic Micra® Transcatheter Pacing System (TPS) – the world’s smallest pacemaker – was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April 2016.  Two electrophysiologists Jersey Shore University Medical Center implanted the device in a patient with bradycardia, a condition of slow heart rate which can […]