Medical Breakthroughs

Every week, I look forward to reading  the newsletter from It  publishes an excellent newsletter covering developments in medical research. I am continuously amazed at what I read. There is no doubt in my mind we will see more breakthroughs in the next ten years than we have seen in the last 100 years. The […]

Track Your Health And Be Healthier

Saturday morning at 7:50 AM, I will be talking about healthcare gadgets with George DiGianni on KTCK, The Ticket, a Dallas, TX radio station. You can listen live here. The focus of the program will be consumer healthcare devices. As I wrote in Health Attitude, people who track their health are healthier. There is an explosion of new […]

Key Issues for Healthcare in 2016

The Health Research Institute (HRI) at PwC (formerly PriceWaterhouseCoopers) describes the top health industry issues it sees for 2016. They are summarized below with my own interpretation. You can read the full report at Top health industry trends and issues 2016: PwC. 2016 will see a continuation of high-profile mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare industry.  The emerging […]

Can Robots Harvest Tomatoes?

I discussed robots in Health Attitude, including my own 2014 experience with robotic surgery. Robots will play an increasingly important role in healthcare, especially in home healthcare. Robots are becoming commonplace in many industries. In Japan, agricultural tasks are a prime example. Birthrates are decreasing and the population is aging. There are not enough workers […]

Do We Need a Total-Body PET Scanner?

A research team at the University of California – Davis has received a $15.5 million grant to build the world’s first total-body positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. One could argue such scans will always find something and lead to unnecessary tests and procedures which drive up the cost of healthcare. The other side of the coin […]