40 New and Important Healthcare Apps

Venture capitalists are investing in healthcare startup companies at a fast pace. Becker’s Healthcare published a list of 40 apps they believe are important. Some of these probably will not succeed but reading the list offers a good glimpse of the future of healthcare. The apps fall in a number of categories including telehealth, prescription management, […]

Teledentistry for children at risk of tooth decay

Telemedicine is going to touch every aspect of our health. The incredible power of our smartphones and camera technology will make many new things possible. The Finger Lakes in Central New York has a Community Health program using  teledentistry to improve dental care for children. Teledentistry can be an excellent alternative for bringing services to children in rural areas where […]

MedTech Chat with Dr. John Patrick: Healthcare Predictions

On October 30, I chatted about the future of healthcare with Abigail Esposito on WTWH Media. The interview was published on the Medical Design & Outsourcing website and it was also podcasted. Podcasts are becoming very popular as a way to share points of view. Many people listen to them on their smartphones. This particular podcast lasted […]

Maria Asks Good Questions

Maria Bartiromo knows how to ask good questions, as Republican candidates learned at last night’s debate. It should come as no surprise she would be articulate. Maria is a television journalist, magazine columnist, and author of three books. She worked at CNN for five years and then CNBC for 20 years. She joined FOX Business Network (FBN) as […]

Health Attitude on Fox Business

It was a nice brisk walk at 6 AM for six blocks from the Hilton to News Corp headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas. The makeup artist did the best she could do with what she had to work with. I walked onto the set knowing I would have less than five minutes to […]