Electronic Clothing

An international team of researchers believe graphene, the miraculous material set to change the world, will become part of the clothing we wear. No more bulky smart watches, phones, and music players hanging from our clothes. These things will be woven into our clothes. Research is beginning to show the potential to weave fitness, entertainment, GPS systems, […]

Listen to the Radio Interview

The NPR/PBS interview on Tech Nation with Dr. Moira Gunn was broadcasted on the many channels described in my post last week. The title of the broadcast is “Episode 15-33”. The interview audio quality came out very well. I hope you enjoy it. The best way to listen to the interview is on one of the Internet streaming […]

Health Attitude on NPR

Dr. Moira Gunn is host of the public radio program Tech Nation. She was the first woman to earn a PhD in mechanical engineering at Purdue and has been interviewing technology leaders for more than a decade. She has conducted more than 2,000 in-depth interviews. I first met Moira in late 2001, just after Net Attitude was published. […]

Will There Be a National Shortage of Physicians?

The prevailing point of view in recent years has been we will face a significant shortage of physicians because of the addition of previously uninsured Americans. In Health Attitude, I wrote there may not be a shortage of physicians, possibly even a surplus. I cited various technological factors, increasing usage of physician extenders, and the use of […]

A Surgical Robot Stitching A Grape

One year ago this week, I had a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy, followed by 39 days of intensity-modulated radiation treatment. The combination of the two has almost certainly cured me of prostate cancer. I wrote a chapter in Health Attitude about my personal experience and about 3-D printing and robots in healthcare. They will play an increasingly larger […]