What is a Large Language Model?

What is a Large Language Model? A large language model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) model which is fed with a massive dataset of information from the Internet. A set of complex computer algorithms analyzes the information and learns the statistical relationships between words and phrases. This process is called training. After […]
Is Falling a Problem? by John R. Patrick

Is Falling a Problem? According to the CDC, about 700,000 to 1 million people fall in hospitals in the United States each year. Falls in hospitals can be caused by a variety of factors including medication side effects, dementia, weakness, impaired vision, unsteady gait, and environmental hazards such as slippery floors or clutter. Even more […]
Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick Words: 532, Reading time: 2 minutes The traditional treatment for burns or extensive skin injuries has been skin grafts. This will be changing as scientists have made significant advancements in bioengineering which make it possible to grow patches of skin in the laboratory. The engineered grafts […]
Can AI Improve Stethoscopes? by John R. Patrick

Can AI Improve Stethoscopes? Written: March 2023 AI is becoming more and more prevalent in our business and personal lives. It is changing the world we live in at a rapid pace. I have observed over the past 50 years every new technology brings bad actors along with it. They immediately look for ways to […]
Can Healthcare Benefit from the Metaverse?

Can Healthcare Benefit from the Metaverse? Written: November 2022 Sometime in the late 1990s when I was Vice President for Internet Technology at IBM, I was invited to visit the Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois, outside of Chicago. Argonne is a national science and engineering research lab operated for the United States Department of […]