
Red Blood Cell Breakthrough

Red Blood Cell Breakthrough I was curious to learn more about red blood cells and want to share what I learned and also tell you about a new medical research breakthrough. Red blood cells, also known as erythrocytes, are tiny, disk-shaped cells that make up the majority of our blood cells. The cells contain the […]

3D-Printed Body Parts

3D-Printed Body Parts Back in 2014, I attended a 3D Printing Conference at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. The first day of the conference focused on how 3-D printing would impact manufacturing. The conference showed off some amazing printed items including just about everything imaginable including a car. One of the presenters […]

What is the Difference Between Stiffness and Toughness?

What is the Difference Between Stiffness and Toughness? One thing baby boomers and their predecessors have in common is the need for joint replacements. The number of hip and knee replacements globally is expected to exceed two million per year by 2030. Some projections indicate there may not be enough surgeons to handle the rapidly […]

Can Microbots Deliver Drugs?

Can Microbots Deliver Drugs? Some robots are very large. Some can pick up a car as part of the manufacturing process. Other robots are very small, very small. Micro-robotics is not a new field, but great progress is being made to design tiny, speedy, self-propelled robots. They are called microrobots or just plain microbots. The […]

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick Words: 532, Reading time: 2 minutes The traditional treatment for burns or extensive skin injuries has been skin grafts. This will be changing as scientists have made significant advancements in bioengineering which make it possible to grow patches of skin in the laboratory. The engineered grafts […]