What is BioEverything?

 What is BioEngineering? Written: July 2022 In 1963, when I started studying electrical engineering, there were two tracks that an electrical engineering student could choose from: electronics or power. Electronics was about solid-state devices such as transistors. The Intel microprocessor was not to come until 1971. The power track was mostly about electric motors and power generation. Fast forward sixty years and […]

Can You Print More Than Snowmen?

3-D printing of Thanksgiving and Christmas pumpkins and snowmen has taught me new skills. Some of the objects are complex, especially the ornaments. Notice the tip of the red one. The gold bell has a working clapper inside. The big snowman (8 ” tall) required printing 18 separate parts with five different filament colors and […]

One Step Closer To Artificial Eyes

It is widely believed the human body has approximately 100 organs. However, there is no universally standard definition of what constitutes an organ. Generally speaking, an organ is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function. Our largest organ is our skin. Five organs are considered vital for survival, […]

First Human Gets Lab-grown Heart Cells

iPS-derived cardiomyocytes Fifty-three years ago, the first human heart transplant took place at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. The daring surgery was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard. The world’s media covered the progress of the patient, Mr. Louis Washansky, on an hourly basis. Mr. Washansky lived with his new heart for 18 […]

World’s Largest 3D-printed boat

The University of Maine has printed a 25-foot, 5,000-pound, fully seaworthy boat using the world’s largest 3D printer. The 70 feet long printer uses plastic polymer pellets to form the “ink” for printing. It consumes up to 500 pounds of it per hour. The boat was printed in one solid piece resulting from non-stop printing […]