Skyline Wilderness Park

The Magellan SporTrak Color GPS receiver said that the geocache at Skyline Wilderness Park in Napa Valley, California was 2,562 miles from home. The park is a private sector operation and the land is leased from the State. The Park is open to hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders. There are a large number of trails […]

End Of Summer: Cache Found

Geocaching is definitely habit forming. The first hike to find the Tobyhanna Lake Trail Cache ended in failure as previously described. It would have been easier to just forget about it, but that was not to be. Knowing that others had found the cache made me feel I should be able to find it too. […]

Cache Not Found

This sounds like a Windows error (of which there are plenty) but in actuality it is the outcome of my second geocaching expedition. Conditions were nearly perfect — blue sky, slight breeze, 75 degrees, DEET (N,N-diethyl-m toluamide) sprayed on skin, water bottles full, and latitude/longitude from loaded into Garmin GPS receiver. The Tobyhanna Lake […]

Kleinhans Trail

The photo gallery for Kleinhans Trail can be found here and some information about the trail here. In addition, below I have included some information about the Magellan SporTrak Color. Magellan SporTrak Color SporTrak Color provides superior tracking and accuracy, showing your position to within 3 meters, even in difficult environments such as cities or […]

Geocaching Hike

Today was my first attempt at geocaching and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in hiking. The basic idea is that individuals and organizations set up hidden storage places (caches) in various places around the world and place the locations (lattitude and longitude) of the caches on a web site like […]