Music Album Sales in Nose-Down Dive

The Wall Street Journal reported that for the ninth time in 10 years, U.S. music album sales continued to decline. The total of CDs and digital albums purchased was 326 million while the number of individual songs purchased was 1.2 billion. The album purchases were up 13% while the individual songs were up just 1%. […]

Lehigh Will Shine Tonight

The occasion was Lehigh University’s Gala2010 fund-raising event in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, home of my undergraduate alma mater. With nearly 1,000 people at the reception, it is hard not always to find friends you hope to see. I ran into John Berseth, a fellow electrical engineering student and clarinet player from the class of 1967. I […]

Tanglewood by Trike

It was a special treat to be able to enjoy a nice 375 mile motorcycle trip along with a memorable concert at Tanglewood. The ride from the lakehouse in Pennsylvania to Lenox, Massachusetts took us on mostly state and county roads in the state of New York. We took Route 6 through Milford, PA to […]

American Glory

The destination was unknown but the weather outside was so perfect that a motorcycle ride was an easy decision. The trike was full of gas and mp3 music and ready to go in any direction. Heading west on Route 35 and then north on I-684 and west on I-84 got me to the Taconic Parkway […]

Promises, Promises

A group of friends made our 27th year in a row into New York today to see a Broadway play. After a superb lunch at Vice Versa we saw Promises, Promises. It was certainly easy to identify with the vintage. The play is based on the 1960 Billy Wilder film The Apartment that starred Jack […]